domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Verb 'to be' (past) ('was' and 'were') Part 2


Complete the text with 'was' and 'were'

Yesterday ------- great for me. Because my father ------- back  home. My father ------- in Spain
last weekend for business. It ------- the first time we ------- apart. It ------- a tiring weekend for him
and he ------- very busy. My mother and I     ------- worried about him because he ------- afraid of
travelling by plane. After a long flight, he       ------- safe and happy, because he ------- not                 afraid of travelling by plane anymore.  He ------- there for three days but it ------- like a
decade. We missed him so much. We ------- very glad to see him back. There -------  presents in his bags for us.  There ------- a scarf for my mother. It ------- made of silk. There -------also  a camera for me. It
 ------- a great gift for me.


Answer the questions about the text in exercise one.

1)      Where was Sandra’s father    last weekend?
2)      Why was yesterday great for her?
3)      Why was he there?
4)      Who was worried about him?
5)      Why were they worried about him?
6)      Was he busy when he was in Spain?
7)      Was his flight short?
8)      What was there in his bags for his family?
9)      What was Sandra's mother’s present?
10)  What was Sandra’s present?

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