viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Past Simple (6)

Read the details about John Lennon's life and write his biography.

Year of Birth: 1941
 Country: England
Nationality: English
Profession: rock musician, singer, songwriter and peace activist

As a child,
(Live) with his aunt and uncle in Liverpool.
When he was 12 years old,
(learn) to play the harmonica.

As a teenager,
(Meet) Paul McCartney in 1955 and …
(start) the Beatles in 1960. 
When he was 18 years old,
 his mother (die) in a car accident.

(write)  some of the most popular music in rock and roll history

On March 20th 1969,
 John (marry) Yoko Ono.

The following year,
  John (leave) the Beatles

In 1975,
(go) to New York and (have) a son called Sean.

On December 8th 1980,
John Lennon (be) assassinated outside his home in New York.

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