martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

how to write your biography (model)

  • NAME, AGE: My name is ... and I'm ... years old.
  • BIRTH DATE AND BIRTH PLACE: I was born on ... in Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • FAMILY: My parents are called... My mother is a/an... and my father is a/an... I am an only child/ I have ... younger/older brother(s) and ... younger/older sisters. Their/His/Her name(s) are... They were born in.../She/He was born in...
  • EDUCATION (PRIMARY SCHOOL): I started primary school in..., in ... School. I had a teacher called...., who was very ...   . I was a/an ... student and I got... marks.
  • EDUCATION (HIGHSCHOOL)I started highschool in..... I had a ... teacher who was... I was a/an ... student and I got ... marks.
  • OTHER ACTIVITIES: I started... when I was .. years old.

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